Singles Parties, January 28 - February 5, 2011
5 parties over the past two weeks:
- Solano Singles Convention, Friday, Jan 28, at the Marriott Hotel in Vallejo. Disappointing turnout, maybe everyone was waiting for the big one in the East Bay the following Friday...
- Cougar Valentine Party, Saturday, Jan 29, at 111 Minna in San Francisco. Fun venue! The San Francisco Weekly covered the party and featured photos on their website.
- MidLife Valentine Mixer, Tuesday, Feb 1, at Ristorante La Toscana in San Rafael. Nice turnout, featuring SF Examiner Dating expert Annie Gleason.
- Meet Your Valentine Convention, Friday, Feb 4, at the Claremont Resort Hotel in Berkeley. Excellent crowd. They enjoyed our Keynote Speaker, author Tana Marie, on "How to Meet Your Valentine in 2011."
- Valentine Art & Wine Tasting Party, Saturday, Feb 5, at The Artists Alley in San Francisco. Lots of new faces at this fun art gallery!
- Valentine Dance, Friday, Feb 11, at Michael's at Shoreline Park in Mountain View. Co-sponsored with Singles Supper Club. Should be an excellent turnout, as it is our only party over Valentine's Weekend.
- Valentines Day Mixer, Monday, Feb 14, at The Flamingo Resort Hotel in Santa Rosa. Should be plenty of new faces, as the party is featured on KSRO Radio.
Our next Match Your Key Dance is on Saturday, Feb 19, at Intramuros in South San Francisco. We look forward to our first party at this large nightclub!
More info and more singles events on our WEBSITE. See you at the parties!
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