Singles Parties, March 16-20, 2010
3 singles parties this past week:
- St Patrick's Eve Mixer, Tuesday, March 16, at Ristorante La Toscana in San Rafael. Nice, friendly group of singles.
- Welcome Spring Dance, Friday, March 20, at Michael's at Shoreline Park in Mountain View. Barbara Millin of Singles Supper Club reports a good turnout, excellent appetizers, fun dance crowd.
- Silver Fox Dance, Saturday, Saturday, March 21, at Sinbad's in San Francisco. The world's first-ever Silver Fox Singles Dance was a fun event, with lots of new faces. Congratulations to Frank Fabiano of South San Francisco, who won the title of Mr. Silver Fox America. He won a free berth on the upcoming Cougar Cruise to the Mexican Riviera, May 16-23. Details about the cruise.
- Young Single Professionals Mixer, Friday, March 26, at Lion and Compass in Sunnyvale. For singles in their late 20s to early 40s.
- Wine Tasting & Dance, Saturday, March 27, at Fuz Restaurant in Lafayette. January's Match Your Key Dance at this new upscale restaurant was so much fun, we are doing a Wine Tasting this time, 8-10pm, followed by dancing to your favorite hits, 10pm-1am.
- Free Singles Travel Mixer, Sunday, March 28, at Bay Cafe at Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course. Ann Thomas of The Singles Travel Company provides a fun slide presentation on travel to exotic destinations worldwide. Appetizers will be served. Admission is FREE!